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Ecovadis Gold-Certification 2023

This year, we have again undergone the strict evaluation guidelines of Ecovadis and are pleased to have achieved the Gold-Status for the fifth time!

Ecovadis is an independent CSR assessment platform and examines a companies' performance in the areas of environment, social affairs, sustainable procurement, and ethics based on clearly defined assessment criteria. The renewed Gold certification shows that at Istac, we take our social responsibility very seriously. We act with the awareness that our business activities impact the environment. We are proud that our actions and strategic direction have been evaluated as exceptional and above average for the third year in a row!

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Istac is among the top 1% of all evaluated companies at EcoVadis.

This means: out of over 22,000 companies in Europe, Istac is among the top 1% in its category with 69 points.

Ecovadis is an organization that puts companies through their paces in terms of sustainability. Ecovadis certification ensures high standards in the supply chain. At Istac, the aspects of the environment, human rights, ethics, and sustainable purchasing were evaluated.

Ecovadis Criteria A - Sustainability criteria:


Businesses: energy consumption & greenhouse gases, water, biodiversity, local & accidental pollution materials, chemicals & waste
Products: product benefits, product end-of-life, customer health & safety, environmental services & advocacy

Labor & Human Rights

Human resources: employee health & safety, working conditions, social dialogue, career planning & management training,
Human rights: child labor, forced labor & human trafficking, diversity, discrediting & harassment, external stakeholders, human rights


Corruption, anticompetitive behavior, responsible information, management

Sustainable purchasing

Suppliers' environmental standards, suppliers' social standards

Ecovadis Criteria B - 7 Management Indicators:

  1. Corporate policies: Mission statements, company policies, goals, corporate governance.
  2. Commitment: Support of external sustainability initiatives
  3. Measures: Measures and actions implemented (e.g., procedures, training, equipment)
  4. Certifications: Certifications and labels (e.g., ISO 14001)
  5. Media: Press and media coverage of actions and measures
  6. Reporting: Reporting on key performance indicators (KPIs)
  7. 360 degrees: Condemnations, disputes, awards.